Sunday, September 30, 2012

farewell september and a freebie

September has gone by super fast... I can't believe tomorrow will finally be October! I love October! I love all the fall activities and crafts and especially Halloween! My son's birthday is next week too... another reason I love October!

This month is going to bring so much fun and a new baby to the fam (no, not mine!). My sister is due in 2 weeks with a baby girl. We are counting down the days to baby Harper's arrival and trying to keep my sis busy until then. If you have kids then you know the last 2 weeks of pregnancy are the worst! So, this morning we went to the craft fair in Nashville. It was kind of a disappointment...but the kids had fun.
Just figured out how to use the new Panorama feature on my iPhone. I am so excited the 4S's get this feature!


The craft fair did offer some cute crafts for kids. Jaydon and Mae Mae made coffee filter butterflies.

Anyhoo, onto something school related...

Have you seen this pin?

We have learned how to use a number line with addition and subtraction, so I thought this would be a perfect Math Tub and/or manipulative for morning work or a scoot game or a math time filler.

1-10 on the front with Addition equations to solve. 

11-20 on the back with Subtraction equations to solve. 

If you would like a copy of these pages to print and stuff in these baggies, please click on the picture. I printed on front and back. Unfortunately, my baggies only came in a box of 18 but I made 20 equations. I haven't made a recording form... sorry! By the way, these bags are the quart size freezer bags (7 in x 8 in). 

This week we worked on apples (like most of you probably did!) We did some labeling, reviewing what we learned about labels during our Pete week:
Pete Labeling

 So we labeled the parts of an Apple with that cute picture that is all over pinterest.

Sorry the pics are kind of hard to see... I have been covering up my windows with work and the sun hit me... 

I also made some Apple Rice Krispies... Here is my son trying one.. yum! 

Have a great Sunday! Only a 4-day week for me... woohoo!!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

mmmm... lollipops!

We have been working on states of matter for a couple of weeks and I found this amazing looking activity on pinterest. I attempted it on Friday....

These are some adorable lollipops, am I right? So, I was thinking we could learn about how liquids can become solids....That would actually mean the liquid turns into a solid...Which unfortunately, ours didn't!!

Funny thing about making candy- you HAVE to have a candy thermometer. If it doesn't make it to a certain temperature it will never become solid-- poo! Of course, my firsties didn't care and they still looked adorable and tasted all sugary:

I am going to attempt this activity again next year with a helper and a candy thermometer!!! I do recommend it and if you choose to do it, here is a little recording sheet you can use:

Click the picture for a FREE download :)

Hope yours turn out better than mine! For the detailed directions you can click on the pin above and find out what you need and how to do it :)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

have you seen...

these before?

These are the new dry erase markers from Pilot and they are awesome!! I hate it when dry erase markers start running out... especially when it's your favorite. Admit it... you have a favorite marker. I have about 10 markers on the board but there is one that I always write with- it is smoother, the ink comes out really well... So, when your favorite runs out (which depending on how much you write could happen soon) it is a big bummer! I love these new markers because you can add more ink to them! When the ink runs out you can just attach a new ink container. It is super cool! 

Pilot also has some amazing pens- you know those roller ball gel pens-- they write so smoothly and (I think) look so much better! I usually don't stock up on them because they can be so darn expensive, but they (just like the dry erase markers) are refillable! 

I have always hated erasable pens. They never write dark enough or erase correctly. Usually a big ol' waste of money! But, Pilot also has a new gel pen that can erase and it actually erases!! 

The only thing I don't like about this one is it has a very very fine point. It is OK for writing somethings but not an everyday pen.

Anyway.. glad your still with me... you can find these supplies and more at They have some great deals on different supplies you may need for your classroom- so go check it out! 

I am going to finish this post with some amazing things I got from Vista Print that finally came in the mail today! I am so excited!!!

Take a looksy...

Going to use this to post our learning goals everyday on the white board!

They were just too cute to pass up!

You can download this adorable subway art from The Learning Tree

Don't you just love that Super Girl graphic from Melonheadz!

I stopped into Barnes and Noble tonight to pick up these:

and found out about this:

I usually buy all my books from Scholastic but needed those for this week so I paid a little more for them but then I found out as a teacher you can 20% every purchase from Barnes and Noble with this program! All you have to do is show proof of teacher"ship" when you sign up! Love a good deal! 

Have a great rest of the weekend and please someone (ANYONE) link up for my first linky party!! (Not that I am desperate or anything!! :)

Friday, September 14, 2012

first grade problems

Source: via Laura on Pinterest

This was too funny-- I just had to share! I am seriously laughing out loud. hahahaha

Hope you have a wonderful weekend... and don't forget to link up:
My first linky party!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

a few of my favorite things... in my classroom!

Here are the winner from Treasures... I will be emailing you shortly...

and here are

My dad came and installed my gutter shelves today! I am super excited to go to the library tomorrow to fill them up with theme of the week books! L.O.V.E! (Oh and by the way, I can't wait to show you the adorable Pete the Cat labeling chart I made... I will post after we actually learn about it tomorrow and do the labeling!)

My NEW focus wall! I don't actually have anything up there yet (since I just created it) but I can't wait to put my focus up every week- I think it will help me and my kids stay focused!

I am in LOVE with these milk cartons! See the close up below...

Here are my curtains from far away and up close! Love the pattern!! My pennant banner says: I "mustache" who heart's reading? I love it! (Although my EL kids do not get the mustache thing yet...)

What about you? Do you have some faves in your room? How about a linky party to show them off..

This is my first time hosting a linky party so please link up and show me your favorite things in your classroom! I would love to see what you have!!

A few of my favorite things in my classroom

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

treasures giveaway

Who uses Treasures? My EL kiddos are REALLY REALLY struggling with this series. The stories aren't too hard for them but the phonics is not working for them! I mean, I feel like the short vowels should all come at the beginning- not a few short vowels then some blends, then a few more short vowels...These blends are really hard for them!

I have been working on some supplemental packets for Treasures (they are slowly coming along!). I started kind of late because of my job change so I missed the first couple of weeks- which I don't imagine having time to go back and create until later- so far I am loving the packets! I am probably a few weeks ahead of most of y'all. We started before you (more than likely) and we don't do the smart start (which, honestly, my kids need!).

The packets I have been working on are making my life much easier! I create a word work game and recording sheet for each week-- perfect for my Word Work Center. There is also a writing center that goes along with the theme of the week and a writing lesson activity. Lots of anchor charts too! I have been sharing with the other first grade teachers on my team and am so excited they are able to utilize too! My son is in the first grade class next to mine and it just gives me a little personal satisfaction seeing his work coming home and some of it being stuff I created!

Before I started blogging I never imagined putting this kind of time in to creating units, but I was putting all kinds of time into stressing because I could never find what I needed to go along with what I was teaching. Teachers pay teachers and ALL of you bloggy friends really make planning and teaching so much easier and enjoyable!

This month has been a crazy whirl wind but I feel like reading y'alls posts makes it better :) So, thank you for still inspiring me to keep on truckin' and be part of this wonderful bloggy community!!

Now time for....

I know most of you started school after us so you aren't to these weeks yet, but just imagine already having these weeks planned for you :) All you have to do is follow the directions on the rafflecopter below. I will choose 3 winners on Wednesday night! Good luck!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you want to preview these fine resources go to my TPT store here.

One last thing... I am sure most of you love a good font..

Well, on Friday, posted some new adorable Fonts for Peas for FREE! Nothing gets me more excited than a good font.... lol.

You should go check them out :)

Have a wonderful rest of the weekend... and thanks for all your inspiration!

Monday, September 3, 2012

september currently

I have noticed that sometimes at "currently" time I have a tendency to misspell currently. I get to typing to fast I don't even notice the error...

Just noticing that font might not have been the best choice for this! Sorry!

My little 3 year old (Addison) is hilarious about this new Taylor Swift song. Nothing can bring a smile to your face like hearing a 3 year old sing all the words and insert commentary. I need to video next time she is singing.. A.DOR.A.BLE!!

I have been keeping my long weekend :) filled with lots of... work!

I mean I thought it was LABOR day right! I am horrible about planning... I am constantly getting distracted with other things on the Internet! Pretty much finished today. 

I did take a few minutes of relaxation yesterday. I traded in my monthly massage for a facial. It was marvelous... I think I may be trading in my massage more often! 

Last night I did a sewing project all by myself! (Usually when I have some sewing project I take it to my mom for guidance then I do the project at her house, just in case there is a mess up!) This time I did it all by myself.. with a phone consult with my mom :) I made some new curtains for my classroom. I haven't hung them yet, but here is a sneak peak:

I also finished up a packet for Treasures Unit 1, Week 5- Soccer. Check it out here:

Click the picture to connect with TPT. 

Have a fab day off friends!