This month is going to bring so much fun and a new baby to the fam (no, not mine!). My sister is due in 2 weeks with a baby girl. We are counting down the days to baby Harper's arrival and trying to keep my sis busy until then. If you have kids then you know the last 2 weeks of pregnancy are the worst! So, this morning we went to the craft fair in Nashville. It was kind of a disappointment...but the kids had fun.
Just figured out how to use the new Panorama feature on my iPhone. I am so excited the 4S's get this feature!

The craft fair did offer some cute crafts for kids. Jaydon and Mae Mae made coffee filter butterflies.
Anyhoo, onto something school related...
Have you seen this pin?
We have learned how to use a number line with addition and subtraction, so I thought this would be a perfect Math Tub and/or manipulative for morning work or a scoot game or a math time filler.
1-10 on the front with Addition equations to solve.
11-20 on the back with Subtraction equations to solve.
If you would like a copy of these pages to print and stuff in these baggies, please click on the picture. I printed on front and back. Unfortunately, my baggies only came in a box of 18 but I made 20 equations. I haven't made a recording form... sorry! By the way, these bags are the quart size freezer bags (7 in x 8 in).
This week we worked on apples (like most of you probably did!) We did some labeling, reviewing what we learned about labels during our Pete week:
Pete Labeling
Sorry the pics are kind of hard to see... I have been covering up my windows with work and the sun hit me...
I also made some Apple Rice Krispies... Here is my son trying one.. yum!

Have a great Sunday! Only a 4-day week for me... woohoo!!