Monday, March 4, 2013

Welcome to our "Ant"onym Farm!

Check out our "Ant"onym Farm! Last week we worked on synonyms and antonyms. I think my kids are FINALLY getting the play on words...
First we studied synonyms. I know you have all seen "Synonym" Rolls on pinterest... Here is our version:
I had to show you this one... Her word was pretty.. She said, "I am gorgeous today." lol- It is always the ones you least expect that say the darnedest things...

After studying synonyms, we learned about antonyms. This is a very hard concept for my EL. I think they understand the words don't mean the same thing.. but they don't understand opposite!
We made an antonym farm (see above). Here are a few of our ants:

These were my example ants!

These were so much fun! How are you teaching synonyms and antonyms?