Sunday, August 14, 2011

Still trying to get it together...

School started Friday and I am still not ready! We had major plumbing issues Friday and I wasn't even able to get back into my room until this afternoon. At least I got to get all my supplies put away--my reading table was completely full and stacked with tissues, hand sanitizer and glue!! It is cleared off now--thank goodness! My room is still lacking quite a few things, like a place for students to pick what kind of lunch they are having or a place that makes it visible about who is a car rider, bus rider or going to day care. So I made some tags that (after they are laminated) will have ribbon hot glued to the bottom and students names clipped on with clothesline clips. If you would like the tags, click here.

Here is a picture of what the tags look like:

As soon as I get these laminated and hung up I will update with photos... plus I think I need to add some photos of my room! Soon, promise!

Have a great week!!

UPDATE: Here are some pics of the tags I created. They turned out so cute!! Love em!


  1. So cute!! I love the idea of using clothespins so you can have that visual of transportation changes. I may have to steal this idea!

    Ms. Preppy's Adventures in Primary and Polka Dots

  2. I use clothespins right now on plastic plates, but this would be much better so that I don't have to have a surface to put them on- I can hang them on the wall! Is there any way you could email them to me- we have 4 lunch choices, packers with and without milk AND walkers! I know- I can make my own, but I really like yours! :)

    1. Hey Nicole! I would love to help you out. What are your four choices?
      1. Packers with milk
      2. Packers without milk
      3. Walkers?
      Email me more info...

      Thanks :)

    2. Hi Laura, I was just enjoying what you had up and wondered if you could send me a "walker" tag as well :) I am completely lacking in the creativity area!!! Thanks and I hope you have a great year!

  3. I really like the way you present options horizontally and vertically. I work at an after school program and a summer camp and I can see this working in my room. My only suggestion to you is, instead of using "day care," you write "after school." Maybe it's a regional thing, but "day care" seems like another phrase that means babysitting.

    Great blog!

  4. Thanks for the inspiration. Just linked back to your post.

    ✣ Miss Nelson✣
    Miss Nelson’s Blog


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