Before I start my MMI.. let me vent... for a moment...
So, this morning I was woken up by some barking dogs. Not my sweet little dog... the 2 huge German Shepard's that live next door. Now, I have nothing against German Shepard's... but when they live next door and bark ALOT, then I've got something against them!
These dogs aren't barking at squirrels or birds or even people... they are barking at nothing... at 5:30 a.m. Yup, that's right, 5:30 a.m. on summer break! It has been going on for a couple of weeks and today I just couldn't take it. I woke up with a sinus infection to top it off, so I was not happy...
Apparently, after barking for 30 minutes straight, my neighbor didn't find it too amusing that I was standing on his porch (in my p.j's). But, what did he expect? I need my sleep... Luckily I am not the only house on the block being disturbed.. So hopefully someone else will step up that this guy might take more seriously.
Until then, pray I get a little more sleep tonight. (Luckily I did get some meds for my sinus infection, so hopefully it won't be affecting me as bad).
So, now let me share my Monday Made It this week:

Link up with fun linky or see more Monday Made It's at 4th Grade Frolics!
I had this old wooden toy box that the kids used to use... but they really don't anymore... so, I took it! I saw an idea on Pinterest for a bench under your Promethean board for kneeling or sitting while students are on the board. So, I thought this toy box would work out perfectly! (And, it did!)
Not the best picture, but you can see the before (after I had sanded it) and the after. I painted the bottom of the toy box with chalkboard paint and then put foam and vinyl fabric on the top. I love this for a couple of reasons.
1. It adds storage.
2. It is on wheels.
3. It could be used for a center if needed.
A couple of weeks ago, I had a few of my team members over for a little lunch/crafting. We didn't finish our projects, but I did this week.
Some cork board string art. I thought I could hang this above my door... The paint is peeling pretty bad, so this will be a perfect cover up. I got a smallish cork board (I think 16x20) from Michaels. Painted it with gray paint. Then spelled out my name. The other girls did words like create and welcome. I haven't seen their final products yet... but it was fun!
So, that's about it... Ready to take more meds and crash! Meeting up with my new principal tomorrow... need to make a good impression ;)