I have been slammed but wanted to post 2 things that are truly important! First of all, Meghan Mayhew has nominated my lil' ol' blog for an award! WHAT!!! I am super excited about this nomination! I just can't believe it. If you get a second, check out her blog (Click here!)
Next thing that is super important: a gingerbread freebie! I know there are tons out there but we have been having so much fun this week I have to share mine. First of all, (after my strep incident-- which I am still missing kids at school!) we did a gingerbread glyph. I have seen a few out there, but here is my version:
Click here to get the guide for this fun glyph! By the way, I got those little foam gingerbread at Target ($1 bin)!!
Today we did a pie graph! OMG! We ate gingerbread men and graphed which part of its body we ate first! They loved it!
We actually graphed the first and second bites to compare. It was fun. If you would like to do this activity in your room, then click here!
That's all I got for you this evening! Hoping to jump into bed right about now... :)
8 months ago